
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Market Report - March 7, 2014

It's hard to believe that one week ago it was snowing.  Today is bright and happy and sunny.  Picked up the big kid and headed off to the market.  Spent $44.  I need less from the grocery store this week, so the $4 isn't going over budget.

And I got cactus!  I love cactus.

My $44 bought
1 lb green beans
8 large apples
4 head garlic
some free grapes (I like free stuff)
28 mandarin oranges
4 cactus paddles
3 packages blueberries.  Really really really tasty blueberries!!
4 packages strawberries
3 pears
2 cucumber
1 bag tangerines
6 naval oranges
12 lemons
10 limes
10 plums
1 head cauliflower
2 small head purple cabbage

Nobody in my house ever lacks vitamin c!  Between the peppers and citrus fruits we have an abundance of C in our diet. 

The cactus is going to be used in omelettes tomorrow and then in a soup.  If you're not a fan of the feel of okra you might not like cactus.  I'm from a southern family so I don't mind slipperiness of okra or cactus.  Just part of the foods I consider normal.  My grandmother used to fry up okra and I may give fried cactus a try.  By necessity I am gluten free so I'll have to find a good batter that's GF.  When I do I'll post the results and recipe (if it's tasty) on

We were good on peppers this week so I was free to splurge on extra strawberries and blueberries.  What we don't get eaten will go into the freezer before they spoil.  I don't see many of them making it to the freezer.

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